Every story must have a beginning, and mine begins with Craigslist. It's how I meet the players in this game of mine. Yes CL has quite the reputation, but it is the avenue I choose for myself. It's weird to think of advertising for sex, but it's no different than my wearing a low-cut top and tight jeans to the bar. Unlike the bar however, I have the luxury of picking and choosing what I reveal of myself and to whom.
There's also the fact that I can be painfully shy, an idea The Kid refuses to acknowledge. But it's true. I maintain a circle of friends, but the people that really know me can be counted on one hand. My shyness tends to be interpreted as bitchiness, and in someways it is; it's my defense mechanism. Because truth be told, I'm a fat girl. Trusting people, girls and boys alike, has never been my strong suit. I always, always, look for why someone is "really" interested in getting to know me. But with CL, I get to establish boundaries, clarify intentions.
My first few encounters were just that, encounters. It wasn't that I was always looking for a one night stand, but most turned out to be that way. Though some would consider it a revolving door of men, I prefer to think of myself looking for that right fit. It's been a process of trial and error, discovering what I want, from my partner as well as myself. Plus there's just the fact that I love sex. There are times when I crave it. And I'll get it one way or another.